Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Easier Said Than Done

I finally picked my two monologues. One is from Sugarbaby by Frank Cwiklik, and the other is from Erratica by Reina Hardy. I have been stressing all day over these auditions. You get one chance. ONE. For the entire semester. If you screw it up...too bad. And since (as always) I have chosen to procrastinate, my level of preparedness is extraordinarily low.

As I learn more about theatre and the audition process, instead of things getting easier, they get harder. Before, you just had to pick a monologue you liked, memorize it, look over it a couple of times, and read it in a semiconvincing way with very minimal thought. If you were decent at acting, you'd get a part. Now things get complicated. Your monologue must be within your age range. Your monologue cannot tell a story. Your monologue must have an arc. Your monologue must show change. Your monologue must show variety. Your monologue must have levels. Your monologues must contrast. Your monolgue must be UTTERLY IMPOSSIBLE TO FIND.

Then you have to actually think. You have to research the play the monologue comes from, think about who your character is, how you would move, how you would talk. You must consider the subtext of each line and effectively convey the hidden meaning. But you can only do this after you have completely memorized the entire piece. Fantastic.

My audition is Thursday at 7:16. I have 1 day, 20 hours, and 26 minutes.

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